• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: daniloquijanoguacane
  • hace 7 años

Identify with S or P the underlined words as singular (S) or plural (P), and then write the word in the opposite number as in the example.

1. There is a Romanic church in the village I was born. ____churches______
2. Many people come to visit every year. _______________________
3. Men and women today share their domestic tasks. ________________________________________
4. The books are on the table. _________________________
5. The police caught the thief at the crime scene and sent him to prison. _____________________
6. The babies are sleeping. _______________________
7. There are many butterflies in spring. _______________________________
8. We went to the supermarket and bought two loaves of bread. ___________________________


Respuesta dada por: tachiraptor


ira we


1.(S) opp: churches

2. (P) opp: Person

3. (P) opp: Man, woman.

4. Books (P) Table (S) opp: Book. Tables.

5. Police, thief, crime scene, prison (S). opp: Polices, thieves, crime scenes, prisons.

6. Babies (P). opp: Baby.

7. Butterflies (P) Spring (S). opp: Butterfly, springs.

8. We, loaves of bread (P) Supermarket (S). opp: loaf of bread, supermarkets.

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