• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Marcii1220
  • hace 7 años

Write the sentences using these words. Add the word between parenthesis (just – already – yet) in the correct place.

1. he / meet / his friend. (just)

2. you / not drink / your glass of Coke. (yet)

3. I / make / my bed. (already)

4. We / not arrive. (yet) We / leave / the motorway. (just)

5. The director / talk / to him. (already)

6. I / write / the e-mail you asked me. (just)

7. She / not buy / the flat. (yet)

8. He / be / really lucky. (just) He / win / the lottery. (just)

9. We / hear / the news. (already)

10. Paul / not pay / for the dinner. (yet)


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1) He has just met his friend

2) You have not drunk your glass of Coke yet

3) I have already made my bed

4) We have not arrived yet. We have just left the motorway

5) The director has already talked to him

6) I have just written the e-mail you asked me

7) She has not bought the flat yet

8) He was just really lucky. He has just won the lottery

9) We have already heard the news

10) Paul has not paid for the dinner yet

ojedaisabe20007: esta re mal nmms
Marcii1220: xdxdxd literal :,v?
pamela102143: estrella todo le queda biuen
pamela102143: jaja
Marcii1220: entonces.... esta bien o mal xd?
pamela102143: nose
ojedaisabe20007: esta mal ya te escribí mi respuesta :)
Marcii1220: xdxdxd
ojedaisabe20007: Le di gracias sin querer :( ptm
Marcii1220: F xd
Respuesta dada por: ojedaisabe20007


1. He just meet his friend

2. You dont drink yet your glass of Coke.

3. I already make mi bed

4. We not arrive yet, we just leave the motorway

5. The director already talk to him

6. I just write the e-mail you asked me

7. She not buy yet the flat

8. He just be really lucky. He just win the lottery

9. We already hear the news

10. Paul not pay for the dinner yet

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