• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: happygollils
  • hace 7 años

cuantificalos ................ el dibujo es parte



Respuesta dada por: hanniexcc


1. Is there any butter left ? - No , there's much butter .

2. How many lemons are there ? i think two .

3. There aren't not any strawberries. Do you want me to but any more ?.

4 . Oh no ! there's isn't a little juice , just one carton.

5 . there are some soda cans but only no much little of beer.

hanniexcc: 6 . there are only a any sausages , right? - No there are plenty.
7. We need some more pears .There aren't a lot of left .
8 . there aren't some eggs in the fridge
hanniexcc: 9 . there is many fruit in the fridge but only some vegetables.
happygollils: gracias
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