• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andresfsalap9iqt0
  • hace 7 años

Escribe 20 oraciones y reescribelas en voz activa y voz pasiva.
En inglés


Respuesta dada por: Nctzoner

Los niños rompieron el vidrio.

Alguien robó mi billetera.

El profesor felicita al alumno.

Juan escribió la mejor monografía.

Alguien delató a los asaltantes.

La computadora alteró los archivos.

Laura construye una casa para sus muñecas.

El Estado emitirá nuevos billetes.

La policía investiga un posible fraude.

Una empresa local construyó mi casa.

El restaurante anunció nuevos platos para la primavera.

Vendo veinte suscripciones por día.

Nadie puede solucionar este problema.

En otras épocas, los hombres invitaban a las mujeres a bailar.

Alguien declaró la verdad.

Nadie había firmado la carta.

Tarde o temprano, alguien va a encontrar el tesoro.

Publicó el libro hace dos años.

El fuego destruyó una casa abandonada.

Es mejor que contrates a un profesional para decorar tu casa.

Active voice:

1. The children broke the glass.

2. Someone stole my wallet.

3. The teacher congratulates the student.

4. Juan wrote the best monograph.

5. Someone betrayed the assailants.

6. The computer altered the files.

7. Laura builds a house for her dolls.

8. The State will issue new tickets.

9. Police investigate possible fraud.

10. A local company built my house.

11. The restaurant announced new dishes for spring.

12. I sell twenty subscriptions per day.

13. No one can solve this problem.

14. In other times, men invited women to dance.

15. Someone declared the truth.

16. No one had signed the letter.

17. Sooner or later, someone will find the treasure.

18. He published the book two years ago.

19. The fire destroyed an abandoned house.

20. It is better to hire a professional to decorate your house.

Passive voice:

1. The glass was broken by children.

2. My wallet was stolen.

3. The student is congratulated by the teacher.

4. The best monograph was written by Juan.

5. The assailants were betrayed.

6. The files were altered.

7. The dollhouse is built by Laura.

8. New tickets will be issued by the State.

9. A possible fraud is being investigated by the police.

10. My house was built by a local company.

11. New dishes were announced for spring.

12. Twenty subscriptions are sold per day.

13. This problem cannot be solved.

14. In other times, women were invited to dance by men.

15. The truth was declared.

16. The letter had not been signed.

17. Sooner or later, the treasure will be found.

18. The book was published two years ago.

19. An abandoned house was destroyed by fire.

20. It is better that your house be decorated by a professional.

Espero que te sirva! ♡

andresfsalap9iqt0: Wooow! Muchas gracias <3
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