• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: martacarreras54
  • hace 7 años

Ayuda por favor

A) Fill in the blanks with CAN or CAN’T: 1. She is a small baby. She ……………….. eat meat, but she ………………… drink milk. 2. That dress is not expensive. I …………………. buy it. 3. A cat ………………. climb up a tree, but a dog ………………….. . 4. I’m very tired today. I ……………………. clean my room. 5. John is very short. He …………………… play basketball very well. 6. We are very hungry, so we …………………. eat a lot of sandwiches. 7. He is very fat. He …………………… run very fast. 8. We ……………. sleep in the bedroom but we ………… sleep in the Bathroom.

djskra2006: hecho, perdon pero crei que tendrias prisa


Respuesta dada por: djskra2006


1 she cant eat.....   but she can...

2 i cant buy it

3 a cat can  .... but a dog cant

4 i cant clean...

5 he cant play .....

6 we can eat a lot....

7 he cant run very fast......

8 we can sleep ....  but we cant sleep


Respuesta dada por: gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones con el verbo modalcan o can't

  1. She is a small baby. She can't eat meat, but she can drink milk.
  2. That dress is not expensive. I can buy it.
  3. A cat can climb up a tree, but a dog can't.
  4. I’m very tired today. I can't clean my room.
  5. John is very short. He can't play basketball very well.
  6. We are very hungry, so we can eat a lot of sandwiches.
  7. He is very fat. He can't run very fast.
  8. We can sleep in the bedroom, but we can't sleep in the bathroom.

Verbos modales más utilizados

  • Can - can’t: se emplea para expresar la capacidad para hacer algo, la posibilidad de hacer algo o permiso para poder hacer algo o no.
  • Should - shouldn’t: se utiliza para dar consejos o indicar lo que se debería hacer o no.
  • Must - mustn’t: en oraciones afirmativas indica la obligación o necesidad fuerte de hacer algo, porque significa “deber”. En oraciones negativas significa una prohibición, algo que no está permitido.
  • Migth: se usa para expresar la posibilidad de que algo ocurra pero no hay 100% de seguridad y para hacer sugerencias.

Para aprender más sobre los verbos modales (modal verbs) consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/189121


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