• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: noramercedesreyes201
  • hace 7 años

Write down statements in Simple Present.
Put the signal words in the right position:
4. Put the sentences in the correct order:
a) usually / Amanda / reads / comics / after school
b) sometimes / the children / meet / at Carol’s house
c) Dave / every Friday / plays chess / at school
d) goes swimming / Luke / on Wednesdays
e) feeds / the hamster / never / Isabella
a) Riley / read / a book / sometimes
b) June and Lily / prepare / lunch / usually
c) often / the cat / on the sofa / sleep
d) I / do / every day / my homework



Respuesta dada por: astrid240904


a Amanda usually reads comics after school.

b The children sometimes meet at Carol's house.

c Dave plays chess at school every day.

d Luke goes swimming on Wednesday.

e Isabella never feeds the hamster.

d Rily sometimes reads a book.

e June and Lily usually prepare lunch.

f The cat often sleeps on the sofa.

g I do my homework every day.

noramercedesreyes201: GRCIAS
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