B. READ THE CONVERSATION AND UNDERLINE THE ADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN QUITO AND PINTAG. CIRCLE THE DISADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN QUITO AND PINTAG. Lea la conversación y subraye las ventajas de vivir en Quito y Pintag. Encierre en un círculo las desventajas de vivir en Quito y Pintag. Luego copie en el siguiente cuadro. Advantages of living in Quito and Pintag Ventajas de vivir en Quito y Pintag Disadvantages of living in Quito and Pintag Desventajas de vivir en Quito y Pintag. Quito Ex. There are cinemas 1. 2. Quito 1. 2. Pintag 1. 2. Pintag Ex. There aren´t many shops 1. 2.
oe el texto no tiene coherencia
Jan: Hey, Kevin. How are you doing?
Kevin: I am OK, and you? You look pale.
Jan: Yes, I'm sick. You know the weather changes so quickly, and there is lots of pollution near my house. So, my doctor said all those things cause allergies, and that is what I have now.
Kevin: I'm so sorry to hear that. I, on the other hand, feel very good. I can breathe fresh air, the food we eat is what my grandparents cultivate so its organic and doesn’t have any chemicals. Another advantage is that in my home town, there are not too many cars so there is very Little pollution.
Jan: You are right! Your lifestyle is healthier, but I really like living in Quito. There is a lot of public transportation, a lot of malls, cinemas and even hospitals.
Kevin: Well to each his own. I don’t want to change my beautiful town for any place else.