• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: herreravasquezeliane
  • hace 7 años

completa las oraciones. Usa las palabras en paréntesis
usa has/have + infinitive en toda las oraciones.
1. A (Suelleave for) A what time does Sue have to leave for the airport?
B: (She/be) B: around 5:00
_at the airport at 6:15.
2. A (go)
to the grocery store
A: (l/get)
B: Why?
A becouse
some milk and bread.
3. A: (Kate/stay)
home tonight
A: (she/study)
B: why?
A: because
__for a test
4. A: (you/be)
A: What time do
at the dentist's office?
B: 3:00. I have a three o'clock appointment,
5. A: (Tom/find)
A: Does
B: Yes, he does
new apartment?
6. A: Yoko/not/take) A
Another English course. Her English is very good.
B: (You take) B. Do
Another English course?
A: Yes, I do. I need to study more English
7. A: (Steve/go)
dowtown this afternoon
B: why?
A: (he/buy)
a Winter coat
8. A (l/see)
the foreign student advisor.
B: Is she in her office now?
A Yes, do you want to come with me?
B. Yes.
to her about my visa
B. (l/talk)
A: (l/go)
to the bank this afernoon.
B: why?
A: Because
A: (l/cash)
a check. I need some money​


Respuesta dada por: juanmilers2006




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