• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zarariascos608
  • hace 7 años

1 Jenny never ___________ with Sammy. (discuss) 2 Does Sammy ___________ Jenny? (love) 3 Sadly, Sammy doesn't ___________ anyone except himself. (like) 4 They absolutely ___________ swing music. (enjoy) 5 We always ___________ a swim in the river before lunch. (eat) 6 Juan always _________ the attention. (get) 7 Nobody ___________ that horrible old house. (buy) 8 All the critics ___________ that film is rubbish. (state) 9 Julie doesn't ___________ in the city center anymore. (go) 10 People ___________ films with a good story. (want)

micu628: Hola! me encantaria ayudarte pero no pusiste si es presente simple/continuo, pasado u otro. Pasame la data y te ayudo rapidamente! Besos :)
dchaforero: Hola, una pregunta, ¿te refieres a presente o pasado?
micu628: sii! en que tiempo tenes que realizarlo?


Respuesta dada por: yisuhipster


1 Discussed

2 Love

3 Like

4 Enjoy

5 Eat

6 Get

7 Buys

8 State

9 Go

10 Want

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