• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: granadosgreyssi
  • hace 8 años

. Answer the questions below with CAN or CAN’T (or both).

1. What languages can you speak? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Can you play a musical instrument? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Can your parents surf on the internet? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where can you buy a bottle of soda? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Can you swim in the sea? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Can you come into class if you are late at school? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Can you use your cell phone in class? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Can you go out with friends after midnight? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Can you watch TV during dinner? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. When can you go to the cinema? _______________________________
ayudenme por favor es para mañana


Respuesta dada por: ulloajacqueline30

las respuestas que pondría yo serían :

1- I can speak three languages

2- Yes I can

3- Yes I can

4- Yes I can

5- Yes I can

6- no I can't

7- no I can't

8 - no I can't

9- Yes I can't

10 - Yes I can't ( pero ahora no se puede ;-; por el coronavirus ._. )

Espero que te sirva de algo , obviamente estas serían las respuestas que pondría yo pero fíjate lo q pondrías vos si SI O NO

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