• Asignatura: Física
  • Autor: salazarali200
  • hace 7 años

la matemática no es experimental y¿porque es ciencia?


Respuesta dada por: marypazzz


Quora started not long ago in Spanish. I was already a user of the English version and I have found myself being active in the Spanish version. Here you can see the last questions I have answered and I will be happy to receive yours and try to answer them, if I can.

Some of the answers that I have written I think could be of more general interest, such as those of the questions that serve as titles.


The answer, obviously, depends on the criteria that are followed to demarcate what is science and what is not (this is usually called the demarcation problem).

If we say that what defines science is its object of study, we can go so far as to affirm that only science has as its object that which has mass-energy, and it seems that mathematics would not be. But this definition of science seems a bit narrow and in any case would include the physical sciences (physics, astronomy, chemistry), the biological sciences and geosciences. What is contradictory is that it also includes philosophy and theology.

If we say that what defines science is the method [1], we run into a problem. Many understand that science has only one method, the hypothetical deductive, when it is not true, science employs several methods, many (including the hypothetical deductive) not exclusive to science. That is why this type of demarcation is so diffuse that we can do whatever we want [2]], so it is not useful

you're welcome

Respuesta dada por: Ululu


La matemática es una ciencia por qué sigue estos criterios:

1) toda aquella actividad cuyo fin es la búsqueda sistemática del conocimiento.

2) que la validez no dependa de un individuo o época concretos.

3) que está abierta a cualquiera que quiera comprobar sus hallazgos o reproducir sus experimentos.

4) y que esta búsqueda se enmarca dentro de un escepticismo sistémico y organizado.

5) que parte de la base de que nuestro conocimiento se fundamenta en modelos.

6) que toda hipótesis es falsa mientras no se demuestre (dentro de lo que el razonamiento confirmatorio puede) lo contrario.

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