• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: estebitanvillacres
  • hace 8 años

urgente para ya plox
B. Rewrite the following sentences as negative sentences, yes / no questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag questions. Examples for the sentence "Jack sweeps the floor."
Negative: Jack does not sweep the floor.
Yes / No Question: Does Jack sweep the floor?
WH-Question: Who sweeps the floor?
Tag Question: Jack sweeps the floor, doesn't he?
1. Hank loves Ginger.
Negative: ____________________________________________________
Yes / No Question: ______________________________________________
WH-Question: _________________________________________________
Tag Question: _________________________________________________
2. She is three years old.
Negative: ______________________________________________
Yes / No Question: ______________________________________________
WH-Question: _________________________________________________
Tag Question: _________________________________________________
3. She enjoys their time together.
Negative: _________________________________________________
Yes / No Question: ______________________________________________
WH-Question: _________________________________________________
Tag Question: _________________________________________________


Respuesta dada por: xxchenglinjenny


Hank doesn’t love Ginger.-positive

Does Hank love Ginger?-yes/no question

Why does Hank love Ginger?-Wh-question

Tag question-no se


She isn’t three years old.

Is she three years old?

Why is she three years old?/How many years does she has?


She doesn’t enjoy their time together.

Does she enjoy their time together?

Why does she enjoy their time together?


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