• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zanchezhtr5721
  • hace 7 años

Based on the past participles spelling of the regular verbs, fill in the blanks using
the perfect present tense of the regular verbs shown in parentheses.
Also rewrite the exercise in a negative way

For example: She (to try)
She has tried hard.
1. We the bags for hours. (to carry)
2. She the piano for three years. (to play)
3. Your brother for the job. (to apply)
4. The cooks the chicken. (to fry)
5. The company six people this month. (to employ)
6. They the wall with paint. (to spray)
7. I home after school all this week. (to hurry)
8. These students unusual intelligence. (to display)
9. The government the nuclear weapons. (to destroy)
10. We on our bicycle. (to rely)
11. My sister to almost everyone after her terrible mistake. (to apologize)
12. I the soup for the last five minutes. (to stir)
13. The machine . Now we can fix it. (to stop)
14. We what happened to the police. Now, we have to wait to see what they say. (to explain)
15. The musicians a concert. (to plan)
16. My sisters the table. (to wipe)
17. We our hopes on the team. (to pin)
18. My cousin Anna the school’s choir. (to join)
19. The biologists an eagle. (to spot)
20. It every day this week. (to rain)
21. You the cream for the cappuccino coffee. (to whip)
22. The hostess everything for the party. (to arrange)


Respuesta dada por: nardym33


1.  We have carried the bags for hours

2.  She has played the piano for three years

3.  Your brother has applied for the job

4.  The cooks have fried the chickens

5.  The company has employed six people this month

6.  They have sprayed the wall with paint

7.  I have hurried home after school all this week

8.  These students have displayed unusual intelligence

9.  The government has destroyed the nuclear weapons

10. We have relayed on our bicycle

11.  My sister has apologized to almost everyone after her terrible mistake

12.  I have stired the soup for the last five minutes

13.  The machine has stopped. Now we can fix it

14.  We have explained what happened to the police. Now, we have to wait to see what they say

15. The musicians have planned a concert

16. My sisters have wiped the table

17. We have pinned our hopes on the team

18. My cousin Anna has joined the school´s choir

19. The biologists have spotted an eagle  

20. It has rained every day this week

21. You have whipped the cream for the capuccino coffee

22. The hostess have arranged everything for the party


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