• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: teresboy
  • hace 7 años




Respuesta dada por: aldanaaylen




23-does your dog

24-don't play

25-doesn't go


27-do start your english class

28-don't clean


I am never late for school

Jonie somertimes gets...

Ellen often waters...

She usually washes his car...

Do you always take out...(lo que sigue)


Pete always doesn't drive to work

Often play

Does Terry usually help his mother...?

The boys room always don't be clean



39)hold on a moment

40) free

41)do you want to go

42)i'd love to


- sally sometimes helps her mom make pancakes

-she always plays board games with her parents on saturdays evening

-Jennifer is her friend

-No, she doesn't.

teresboy: Muchasssssss gracias
Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

D Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct form of the simple present.

22 Darren _____ (eat) pizza for lunch every day.

Answer 22: Darren eats pizza for lunch every day.

Translation 22: Darren come pizza para almorzar todos los días.

23 ________ (do/your dog) bark when it hears someone at the door?

Answer 23: Does your dog bark when it hears someone at the door?

Translation 23: ¿Ladra tu perro cuando oye a alguien en la puerta?

24 The girls _________ (not/play) tennis after school every day.

Answer 24: The girls don't play tennis after school every day.

Translation 24: Las chicas no juegan al tenis después del colegio todos los días.

25 Jeremy ___________ (not/go) to school by bus.

Answer 25: Jeremy doesn't go to school by bus.

Translation 25: Jeremy no va al colegio en autobús.

26 Most students ____ (like) computer classes.

Answer 26: Most students like computer classes.

Translation 26: A la mayoría de los estudiantes les gustan las clases de informática.

27 What time ____ (your English class/start) on Mondays?

Answer 27: What time does your English class start on Mondays?

Translation 27: ¿A qué hora empieza tu clase de inglés los lunes?

28 Tom and Pete _____ (not/clean) their room very often.

Answer 28: Tom and Pete don't clean their room very often.

Translation 28: Tom y Pete no limpian su habitación muy a menudo.

E Put the adverbs of frequency in parentheses in the correct position in the sentences.

29 I am late for school. (never)

Answer 29: I am never late for school.

Translation 29: Yo nunca llego tarde a la escuela.

30 Joanie gets up at ten o'clock. (sometimes)

Answer 30: Joanie sometimes gets up at ten o'clock.

Translation 30: Joanie algunas veces se levanta a las diez en punto.

31 Ellen waters the plants. (often)

Answer 31: Ellen waters the plants often.

Translation 31: Ellen riega las plantas a menudo.

32 He washes his car on Sunday. (usually)

Answer 32: He usually washes his car on Sunday.

Translation 32: Él suele lavar su coche el domingo.

33 Do you take out the garbage in the evening? (always)

Answer 33: Do you always take out the garbage in the evening?

Translation 33: ¿Tú siempre sacas la basura por la noche?

F Complete the sentences with the words in parenthesis.

34 Pete _____ (not/always/drive) to work.

Answer 34: Pete doesn't always drive to work.

Translation 34: Pete no siempre conduce al trabajo.

35 Mary and Helen _____ (often/play) video games in the afternoon.

Answer 35: Mary and Helen often play video games in the afternoon.

Translation 35: Mary y Helen a menudo juegan a videojuegos por la tarde.

36 _______________(Terry/usually/help) his mother in the kitchen?

Answer 36: Does Terry usually help his mother in the kitchen?

Translation 36: ¿Terry suele ayudar a su madre en la cocina?

37 The boys' room _______ (not/be/always) clean.

Answer 37: the boys' room is not always clean.

Translation 37: La habitación de los chicos no está siempre limpia.

G Read the dialogue and fill in the missing word/phrase.

[please , Hold on a moment , Do you want to go , I'd love to , free]

Mrs. Bradley: Hello?

Translation: ¿Hola?

Answer 38: Reid: Hi, it's Reid. Is Julian there, (38)please ?

Translation 38: ¡Hola! soy Reid. ¿Está Julián allí, por favor?

Answer 39: Mrs. Bradley: (39)Hold on a moment. I'll get him.

Translation 39: Espera un momento. Lo localizaré.

Julian: Hello?

Translation: ¿Hola?

Reid: Hi, Julian! It's Reid.

Translation: ¡Hola, Julián!

Julian: Oh, hi Reid! How are you?

Translation: ¡Oh, hola Julián! ¿Cómo estás?

Answer 40: Reid: I'm fine. I'm calling to ask if you're (40)free on Saturday afternoon.

Translation 40: Estoy bien. Llamo para preguntar si estás desocupado el sábado por la tarde.

Julian: Yes, I'm.

Translation: Sí, lo estoy.

Answer 41: Reid: (41) Do you want to go to the movies?

Translation 41: ¿Quieres ir al cine?

Answer 42: Julian: (42)I'd love to! When would you like to meet?

Translation 42: ¡Me encantaría! ¿Cuándo te gustaría quedar?

Reid: How about 7 pm outside the movie theater?

Translation: ¿Qué tal a las 7 p.m. fuera del cine?

Julian: Ok! See you later!

Translation: ¡Ok!¡Hasta luego!

H  Read the article and answer the questions.

43 What does Sally sometimes help her mom do?

Answer 43: Sally sometimes helps her mom to make pancakes.

Translation 43: Sally a veces ayuda a su madre a hacer tortitas.

44 What does she do on Saturday evenings with her parents?

Answer 44: She always plays board games with her parents on Saturday evenings.

Translation 44: Ella siempre juega juegos de mesa con sus padres los sábados por la noche.  

45 Who is Jennifer?  

Answer 45: Jennifer is her next door friend.  

Translation 45: Jennifer es su amiga de la puerta de al lado.  

46 Does Sally's mom make her go to bed early every Satuday?  

Answer 46: No, her mom never makes her go to bed early on a Saturday.  

Translation 46: No, su madre nunca la obliga a acostarse temprano un sábado.

Michael Spymore

teresboy: Mil gracias, siempre el mejor
MichaelSpymore1: You're welcome
camipolasa07: gracias
MichaelSpymore1: You're welcome
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