Ejemplos de oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia (adverbs of frequency) en inglés y español
You always come to class late. ...
I am never late for class. ...
She seldom talks with me. ...
They don't usually eat in the cafeteria. ...
She has always been a good friend. ...
We often go to Houston. ...
He has never spoken with her.
Verbo TO BE
El adverbio se sitúa después del verbo si la frase es afirmativa o negativa:
- I am always happy.
- He isn’t usually bored.
Si es una pregunta, el adverbio ira detrás del sujeto:
- Are you sometimes sad?
Con otros verbos
Si la oración es afirmativa o interrogativa, el adverbio irá entre el sujeto y el verbo principal:
- I hardly ever drink beer.
- Does she often snore at night?
Con negaciones, el adverbio va entre el verbo auxiliar y el verbo principal:
- I don’t often go to visit my grandmother.
10 oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia:
- She is never ill.
- I am sometimes late.
- He is usually lazy.
- She is always interrupting me.
- You are always happy.
- He always drinks coffee.
- She never eats meat.
- We often play tennis on Sunday.
- They never come in the winter.
- I always watch TV in the evening.