• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Thewill1205
  • hace 7 años

PAST SIMPLE vs PAST CONTINUOUS 6 ejemplos de cada uno


Respuesta dada por: cuadradito123

Past simple: el verbo va con d/ed--> I PLAYED football yesterday (el past simple es una accion que empezo y termino en el pasado)

Past continuous: la estructura es was/were+verb con ing--> I WAS PLAYING football (el past continuous es una accion que empezo en el pasado y que todavía no ha concluido en el momento de hablar)


past simple: - I played football yesterday

- She worked last week

- They watched a film last sunday

- He didnt pass the test

Past continuous:

- I was watching a movie

- she was studying

- They were playing soccer

- My dad was working

Respuesta dada por: Julietta15




-I went to the school late yesterday.

-He was with me when we saw the shark.

-I got an F on the exam yesterday.

-My sister went to her boyfriend's house yesterday.

-My teacher gave us a lot of homework last weekend.

-It was cold and rainy yesterday.


-I was eating a cupcake when my sister entered to my room.

-While we were walking, suddenly we saw my old best friend, Jane.

-As i was going to my boyfriend's house, my mother phoned.

-I was cooking when he broked the window.

-He was eating when i phoned him.

-While i was going to the shopping, i found money on the street.

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