• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vallejosmelanieyazmi
  • hace 7 años


Present Simple

1 Read and complete the sentences.

1. My best friend____________ (+, live) in Pittsburgh. He________ (+, love)


2. He ___________ (+, wear) his blue baseball cap every day. We like the same team!

3. We___________ (+, play) football together in the afternoons. We love sports!

4. Erick ____________ (–, criticise) me. He listens to my problems.

5. We _______________ (–, argue) either. We are great friends!

6. I sometimes___________ (+, get) jealous of Erick because he’s good at everything!

7. But then I ______________ (+, remember) that I am lucky to be his friend!


Respuesta dada por: aldanaaylen


1. My best friend lives (+, live) in Pittsburgh. He loves (+, love)


2. He wears (+, wear) his blue baseball cap every day. We like the same team!

3. We play(+, play) football together in the afternoons. We love sports!

4. Erick doesn't criticises (–, criticise) me. He listens to my problems.

5. We don't argue (–, argue) either. We are great friends!

6. I sometimes get (+, get) jealous of Erick because he’s good at everything!

7. But then I remember (+, remember) that I am lucky to be his friend!


En los pronombres:

He, she, it: El verbo se le agrega S o ES

I, you, we, they: El verbo queda en infinitivo, es decir, queda igual.

Solo en las oraciones AFIRMATIVAS se modifica el verbo

En las oraciones NEGATIVAS Y PREGUNTAS se utiliza el auxiliar DO/DOES

Espero que te sirva!!!

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