• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: oscarjohan91
  • hace 7 años

Exercise #2 read the text.

a.Underline the verbs in simple past. (regular and irregular)

John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940 in Liverpool, England. His mother's name was Julia and his father's name was Freddie.

John's father was a sailor and worked on a ship. He didn't live with his parents, he lived with his Aunt Mimi and Uncle George. His mother visited him often, but she died when he was seventeen.

John liked art at school, but he wasn't a good student. He loved music, and in 1960 he started a group called 'The Beatles' with Paul McCartney, Pete Best and George Harrison.

The Beatles played in Liverpool and Hamburg, Germany. Their manager, Brian Epstein, discovered them in the Cavern Club, Liverpool.

Cynthia Powell was John's first wife. They were married on August 23, 1962, and on April 8, 1963, John's first son Julian was born.

In 1963, John and Paul helped 'The Rolling Stones' with their first hit song, 'I Wanna Be Your Man'. The Beatles first number one song was 'Please Please Me' John married Yoko Ono on March 20, 1969 and they stayed in bed for a week in Amsterdam. This was their famous 'Bed-in for peace'.

John and Yoko's son Sean was born on John's birthday in 1975.

A crazy man killed John Lennon on December 8, 1980 next to his flat in New York. He was forty when he died.

b.Answer the following questions about the reading. Follow the example:

1. Where did John's father work? John’s father worked on a ship.

2. When did John's mother die?

3. What did John like at school?

4. What did John love?___________________________

5. Where did the Beatles play?___________________________

6. Where did Brian Epstein discover them?____________________________

7. When did John marry Cynthia Powell?_____________________________

8. Who did John marry in 1969?_____________________________

9. Where did they stay for a week?_____________________________

10. When did John ?_____________________________

me puede ayudar a resolver esas preguntas con ayuda del texto y que tenga las respuestas tengan la estructura gramatical porfa


Respuesta dada por: saba40350


1:John father was a sailor yes his father worked on a ship

2.when he was seventeen

3John liked art at school.

4.John loves music

5.The Beatles played in Liverpool

6.discovered them in the Cavern Club, Liverpool.

7.They were married on August 23, 1962

8.yoko merry with John

9.they stayed in bed for a week in Amsterdam.


Respuesta dada por: 11lemaalexis




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