• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nikolalarcon2000
  • hace 7 años

la opción correcta :
) How was your class today? ?????? I was fifteen years old.
2) Did your father call? ?????? My brother and his girlfriend were with me.
3) How old were you then? ?????? Paula did.
4) Was the movie fun? ?????? No, he didn’t.
5) Who was with you that day? ?????? They were in the park with me.
6) Where were the kids? ?????? It was fun.
7) Who brought the papers? ?????? Of course, I did.
8) Did you understand? ?????? No, it was boring.
ayúdenme porfa :(


Respuesta dada por: victorcastillo88




Respuesta dada por: TELEPr0G4MER


How was your class today? ?

It was fun.

2) Did your father call? ?

No, he didn’t.  

3) How old were you then?

I was fifteen years old.

4) Was the movie fun? ?

No, it was boring.

5) Who was with you that day? ?

My brother and his girlfriend were with me.

6) Where were the kids?

They were in the park with me.

7) Who brought the papers? ?

Paula did.  

8) Did you understand? ?

Of course, I did.

Espero te ayude

Me puedes ayudar marcándola como mejor respuesta

nikolalarcon2000: gracias :3
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