• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: saenz1998
  • hace 7 años

me ayudarian a responder estas oraciones con la respuesta correcta

they may want to go to new york this weekend ( on the other hand / on the other hand ) they may prefer to stay home

flower gardens are beautiful ( however / but ) they are a lot of work

we would like to give you this card ( in addition / and ) we all want to congratulate you on your great success

during the storm the lights went out ( moreover/and) the telephone lines were damaged

maria didnt receive her check (as result / as a reault ) she has no money for the weekend


Respuesta dada por: emmagranger


they may want to go to new york this weekend ( on other hand / on the other hand ) they may prefer to stay home

flower gardens are beautiful ( however / but ) they are a lot of work

we would like to give you this card ( in addition / and ) we all want to congratulate you on your great success

during the storm the lights went out ( moreover/and) the telephone lines were damaged

maria didnt receive her check (as result / as a result ) she has no money for the weekend

Espero haberte servido de ayuda :)

saenz1998: de verdad te lo agradesco si necesito mas ayuda te puedo mandar mensaje
emmagranger: Claro
emmagranger: (te agradecería que me pusieses como mejor respuesta :)
saenz1998: como se pone apenas soy nueva en esto
emmagranger: No lo se, supongo que te aparecerá por ahí (como yo solo respondo no se donde es ya que a uno mismo no le deja ponerse como mejor respuesta jaja). El símbolo es una corona intenta buscarlo. Si no no importo, me alegro de haberte ayudado
saenz1998: lo buscare
emmagranger: Genial, muchas gracias
saenz1998: haber checa si ya sale
emmagranger: Creo que sí (vamos o has sido tú o alguien a la vez que tu, sería mucha coincidencia supongo que será el tuyo jaja), muchas gracias
saenz1998: de nada
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