• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: HellensVillalobos
  • hace 7 años

Complete the sentences using
present simple tense.
1.- Lorena often .... .. the fioor in her
apartment. (sweep)
2.- Richard usually .......... the dishes after
dinner. (ash)
3. My perents .......... to che cinema on
Saturday night. (90)
4.- Katherine sometimes
disco with friends. (cance
5.-Where ..........Helen ........ ? (live)
6.-She ......... in a block of flats with her
aun:. (sleep)
7.-Johnny ........... his bike on Sundays.
9.-Sheila ........... at the local school.
9.-Her house ........... three bedrooms.


Respuesta dada por: Choche179


1) Sweeps

2) Ashes

3) Go(?

4) Dances

5) Does - live

6) Sleeps

7) Rices(?

8) Teaches

9) Has


3. 90????

7. Rice????

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