• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jtelassim
  • hace 7 años

Complete el siguiente texto transformando
los verbos entre paréntesis:

Paul _______________ (not know) what to do
yesterday. He __________ (want) to go out with his
friends and have an ice-cream. But her mother
__________ (call) him. She ________ (be) in trouble.
She couldn't open her door because she ________
(leave) the keys inside. Paul ________ (have) to go
home. He ________ (get) really angry with his
mother. He ________ (lose) the whole afternoon.


Respuesta dada por: nicocanteros2015

Respuesta:Paul not knowed  (not know) what to do

yesterday. He  wanted (want) to go out with his

friends and have an ice-cream. But her mother

called  (call) him. She beed (be) in trouble.

She couldn't open her door because she leaveed

(leave) the keys inside. Paul haveed (have) to go

home. He   no la se bro esta   (get) really angry with his

mother. He loseed (lose) the whole afternoon.

nicocanteros2015: me pones como mejor respuesta porfa
jtelassim: cómo se hace eso?
nicocanteros2015: arriba de las estrellas te va aparecer poner como mejor respuesta
nicocanteros2015: apretas donde dice mejor respuesta y listo
jtelassim: pero no me aparece eso, creo que es porque ya lo valoré
nicocanteros2015: buen gracias igual ay en algo mas que te pueda ayudar
jtelassim: si...
nicocanteros2015: en que dime
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