• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: soldadito2525
  • hace 7 años

por favor necesito ayuda en esto porfa ​



Respuesta dada por: TRTMICHAEL

I'm going to help you

1. I never went to Italy

Oh really? I went there with my parents last year

2. How much money did you spend at the shops?

We didn't spend too much

We have already bought a lot of things this month

3. Did you see avatar last Sunday?

My sister loves it, she has seen it five times

4. Linda loves baking made three cakes yesterday

5. Have I ever showed you my bike?

No, you haven't never showed me your bike

But you showed me your skates last week

6. Uncle Mike often takes me to the zoo at the weekend

Last weekend he didn't take me, he had a bad cold

The limits of your language are the limits of your world

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