• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariluzmuozoyb329
  • hace 7 años

me pueden ayudar? tengo que mirar si este texto es en pasado,presente,futuro o presente continuo
It's a beautiful summer. I'm thinking of planning a trip to Hawaii with my best friend, I'm going to tell my parents today because I'm spending time with my family. My mother, Josie is in the kitchen preparing a snack for all of us. She is making some juice and talking to my father, Jack, she is also making my favorite butter caramel popcorn while we're waiting for her to start talking about my trip. My brother, Joel, is in his bedroom playing computer games. Flopi, our cat, is sleeping on the kitchen's sofa.


Respuesta dada por: villayerly21


Está en Presente continuo.


Siempre que veas una palabras con el termino - ing , significa que esta en tiempo presente y continuo, quiero decir por ejemplo:

Thinking : pensando

Planning : paneando

Y así, recuerda el verbo muta dependiendo al tipo de tiempo ya sea present, future or past

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