• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: aguayojac
  • hace 7 años

Ejercicio 1: Completa las frases con must, mustn't, have to, don't / doesn't have to.

1. Larry __have to____go to the bank. He doesn't have any money.
2. You __mustn’t_________ smoke in the baby's room.
3. You ______don’t have to____________ pay. The entrance is free.
4. I _______must____________ hurry up if I don't want to miss the plane.
5. In the company, everybody ___have to______________ start work at 8:30.
6. You ___have to_________________ cook tonight. I have already prepared dinner.
7. I ____________________ pick up my sister from the airport tomorrow.

8. She ___________________ work. Her husband earns enough money for both of them.
9. You _________________ smoke at the petrol station.
10. If you want to study here, you ______________________ pass an entrance examination.

Ejercicio 2: Con base en las imágenes completa las oraciones presentadas utilizando must, mustn't, have to, don't have to.

You _______mustn’t________ smoke in here.

You _________________ stop to let the other cars pass.

You _____________ pay to visit the museum.

You _________________ dress formal to go out for some tacos.

You _________________ drive faster than 90 km / hour.

You ___________________ ride a bike in order to take this way.

You _______________ stop when the traffic lights are red.

You ________mustn’t________ use your cellphone inside the bank.


Respuesta dada por: godspowerose2017


ejercicio 1:

1.  have to

2. mustn't

3. don't have to

4. must

5. have to

6. have to

7. have to

8. doesn't

9. mustn't

10. must


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