• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: granadosgreyssi
  • hace 7 años

a. Complete the sentences with a question word from the list.
1. A ___________________ do you go to bed? B At about eleven ò clock.
2. A _________________ music does she like? B Jazz music and Pop.
3. A _________________ old is your sister? B She`s 19.
4. A ________________ do you want for lunch? B A sandwich an a soda,
please. 5. A ___________________ is that woman with Carlos? B It`s his sister. 6. A _________________ do you have English classes? B On Wednesdays. 7. A _________________ do you spell your last name? B S-A-N-C-H-E-Z. 8. A ________________ does your father work? B In an office. 9. A ________________ do you usually go on the weekend? B To the
supermarket, the park and the cinema.
10. A ________________ is your Math teacher? B He is Luis Perez
porfavor me podrian ayudar a llenar los espacios


Respuesta dada por: candelartt


1. When


3. how

4 what

5. It

6. When/ how often

7. Can

8 What

9. Where

10 Who


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