• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: anel2ryann
  • hace 7 años







1.- Choose the correct words to complete each sentence. 200 years ago …

1 … people used to / didn’t use to make their own clothes.

2 … people used to / didn’t use to have mobile phones.

3 … people used to / didn’t use to read books.

4 … people used to / didn’t use to watch TV.

5 … people used to / didn’t use to drive cars.

6 … people used to / didn’t use to walk everywhere.

2.- Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1.- Why did people _______________ mend their clothes?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

2.- I _______________ like watching football, but now I do.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

3.- What did you _______________ like doing when you were young?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

4 John _______________ like Mary, but he doesn’t now.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

5 People _______________ produce as much rubbish as we do nowadays.

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

6 Did you _______________ collect anything when you were young?

a) used to b) use to c) didn’t use to

4 Complete these sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

1 I _______________ play the guitar, but I do now.

2 I _______________ ride a bike, but I don’t any more.

3 I _______________ collect stamps, but I don’t any more.

4 I _______________ enjoy getting up early, but I do now.

5 I _______________ be worried about the environment, but I am now.

6 I _______________ be afraid of flying, but I’m not anymore.

7 I _______________ know how to use a computer, but I do now.​


Respuesta dada por: tpkia033

1.- Choose the correct words to complete each sentence. 200 years ago …

1 … people used to make their own clothes.

2 … didn’t use to have mobile phones.

3 … people used to read books.

4 … didn’t use to watch TV.

5 … people used to drive cars.

6 … people used to walk everywhere.

2.- Choose the correct words to complete each sentence.

1.- Why did people uses to mend their clothes?

2.- I didn'use to like watching football, but now I do.

3.- What did you used to like doing when you were young?

4 John use tolike Mary, but he doesn’t now.

5 People didn't use to produce as much rubbish as we do nowadays.

6 Did you used to collect anything when you were young?

4 Complete these sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

1 I didn't use to play the guitar, but I do now.

2 I used to ride a bike, but I don’t any more.

3 I used to collect stamps, but I don’t any more.

4 I didn't use to enjoy getting up early, but I do now.

5 I didn't use to be worried about the environment, but I am now.

6 I used to be afraid of flying, but I’m not anymore.

7 I didn't use to know how to use a computer, but I do now

anel2ryann: Me salvaste eres un angel
tpkia033: de nada
tpkia033: ^ω^
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