• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rosariolp04
  • hace 7 años

Part 2: Hello Grammar, my old friend!

1) Complete the sentences using the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
a. You don’t know Harry. You _______________ (not meet) him.
b. Jamie loves roller coasters. He _______________ (buy) a ticket for the highest one in the world.
c. I _________ (not do) my maths homework.
d. Jane __________ (have) an accident. The doctor is seeing her now.
e. We ____________ (not decide) where we’re going on holiday this year.
f. I think I ___________ (sprain) my ankle. It really hurts.

2) Reoder the words to make sentences. There is one extra word in each sentence.
a. have / for / 2014 / lived / we / since / in Rome.
b. been / to / has / the USA / never / gone / she
c. ever / my cousin / met / you / have / never / ?
d. had / a laptop / have / for / I / my birthday / since
e. a week / worked / for / he / at the shop / has / since
f. have / biscuits / how / eaten / today / ate / many / you / ?
g. studied / long / you / how / have / English / since / ?

3) Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. a. What’s Tom’s girlfriend like?
b. I don’t know. I ___________ (not meet) her.
2. a. ______________ (they / ever / be) to Italy?
b. Yes, they have. They __________ (go) last year.
3. a. ____________ (your brother/ ever / drive) a car?
b. No, he hasn’t. He’s too young.
4. a. _____________ (you / ever/ touch) a snake?
b. No. I __________ (never / see) one!
5. a. ____________ (you / speak) to Tom recently?
b. No, I haven’t. I _____________ (not see) him for ages!


Respuesta dada por: shyanne


not  meet


don't did


don't decided



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