• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juligutierrez679
  • hace 7 años

me ayudan por favor
es para hoy

1- escribe oraciones afirmativas y negativas. Utiliza el cuadro de referencia

Write an affirmative ( +) or negative (-) statement.

 1 Luciane / have / breakfast at 7 a.m. (+ ) 


 2 Wan Ting / live / in Beijing (-) .


3 Gilberto / go to school / every day (-)


4 Mia and Lisa / watch TV / in the evening (+ )


5 Shiori / play soccer / on Saturdays (+ ) 


6 Sang-woo / listen to music / in the morning (-) 


2- Ordenar las preguntas y responder

Order and answer the questions

your friends/study science at school/do/? +


play/Cameron/ does/computer games/? -




you /to school /do /in the morning /go/?


3. Hacer un círculo a la opción correcta

3. Circle the correct option 

Hi! I'm Ayelén and she’s / I'm Mapuche.

I live / lives with my family in Neuquén, a province of Argentina. My father are / is the chief of the Quinchao group. He speaks / speak Mapuche and Spanish and he work / works in the Town Hall of Neuquén. My mother only speak / speaks Mapuche. She don’t / doesn't want to learn Spanish because she likes / doesn't like it. I have / has  a brother. His name am / is Cayupan. We go / goes to school in Neuquén. We has  / have  a lot of friends. We speak / speaks Mapuche and Spanish, and we studies / study English at school.

1- Completar el diálogo entre Dan y Helen, utilizando el cuadro del presente continuo como referencia

1- Complete the conversation between Dan and Helen. Use present continuous

Dan: Hi Helen! what………………………..? (you/do)

Helen: Hi Dan I…………………….(sit) in the living room.

Dan: ……………………………..? (you /do/ your homework)

Helen: No, …………………………………(I /not / do / my homework) ………………………(I / watch TV )

Dan: ………………………………………………..? (your mother/ watch TV with you)

Helen: No, ………………………………………. (she / make / a cake)

Dan: ………………………………? ( you /watch/ a tv serie)

Helen: Yes, …………………………..( have/ fun) I am watching a comedy. 

Dan: Great! ………………………….. (I /listen to /music) 

Helen: Fine, we will talk later. Bye

Dan: good bye.

Escribe oraciones sobre lo que  estas personas hacen todos los dias (Every day) y lo que están haciendo hoy, en este momento (Today) . Observa el ejemplo. El espacio en blanco es para completar sobre ti. 

1. Look at the chart and write sentences 

Every day


Mr. and Mrs. Paterson

go to work in the morning



chat with friends

read a book


make breakfast

drive to the airport


go to the supermarket

watch a movie










Every day: Mr and Mrs Paterson go to work in the morning (present simple)

           Today: They are sleeping (present contin​


Respuesta dada por: sandra123guay12



1. Luciane has breakfast at 7 a.m

2. Wan Tind doesn't live in Beijing

3. Gilberto doesn't go to school every day

4. Mia and Lisa watch tv in the evening

5. Shiori plays soccer on Saturday

6. Sang-woo doesn't listen to music in the morning


A) Do your friends study at school?

Tienes que responder con tus propias preguntas , si es un si , pues tienes que decir(Yes, they do) , pero si es un no pones(No, they don't)

B) Does Cameron play computer games?

Yes, he does

C) Where do you live?

pones: I live in y el nombre de tu ciudad , o puedes decir , I live in Spain

D) Do you go to school in the morning?

yes I do, o no I don't , depende de si lo haces


a) she's   b)live    c)is   d)speaks  e)works  f)speaks   g)doesn't   h)have

i)is    j)go    k)have   l)speak   m)study


1. are you doing?

2.Hi dan I'm sitting...

3. Have you do your homework?

4. I haven't done my homework , I'm watching TV

5. Is your mother watching TV with you?

6. Se's making a cake

7. Are you watching a TV series?

8. Having fun

9.I'm listening to music        


Every day : Fernando chats with his friends

Today: He's reading a book

Every day: We make breakfast

Today: We drove to the airport

Every day : Mariana goes to the supermarket

Today: She is watching a movie  

Y te haría el tuyo pero lo tienes que poner tu

Espero haberte ayudado :)


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