• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rubiomanuel601
  • hace 7 años

Cada una de las frases siguientes contiene un error gramatical. Encuéntralo y corrígelo.

1. Kate play tennis every Saturday.
2. He can plays the piano.
3. You went to the concert yesterday?
4. I think it don’t rain tomorrow.
5. Yesterday morning, John drinked a cup of tea.
6. It was an experience very interesting.
7. Cars cause some problems but exist many alternatives.


Respuesta dada por: martagm


1. Kate plays tennis every Saturday.

2. He can play the piano.

3. Did you go to the concert yesterday?

4. I think it won’t rain tomorrow.

5. Yesterday morning, John drank a cup of tea.

6. It was a very interesting experience.

7. Cars causes some problems but exists many alternatives.

Respuesta dada por: cshhfkgltr


1. Kate plays tennis every Saturday.

2. He can play the piano.

3. Did you go to the concert yesterday?

4. I think it won't rain tomorrow.

5. Yesterday morning, John drank a cup of tea.

6. It was a very interesting experience.

7. Cars cause some problems but there exist many alternatives.

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