Respuesta:Reduced adverb clauses refer to the reduction of an adverb clause to an adverbial sentence of time, causality or opposition. Adverb clauses can be reduced only if the object of both the dependent (the adverb clause) and the independent clause are the same
Explicación: while the adverbial clauses of time and place present "subordinate" aspectual and modal marks - as Chamoreau has described
(2009) - or "degraded" -deranked as Leo Stassen (1985) calls them, the
adverbial clauses of cause can present both the reduced aspectual forms and the subordinate marking, as the forms
full aspectuals and indicative marking.
It is important to remember that in his work Comparison and Universal
Grammar (1985), Leon Stassen introduced the notions of balanced verb and degraded verb to describe the forms that can have the
verbs in different types of subordinate clauses. In this regard,
We can point out that a balanced verb is one whose form in a
subordinate clause is identical to the form that this verb presents in
an independent declaratory clause. For its part, a degraded verb
is one whose formal structure manifests special time stamps,
aspect, mode or person that are not used in a declarative clause
The questions that serve as the common thread of the investigation
they are: (a) what are the links that introduce adverbial clauses
of time, place, cause and purpose in the Purépecha of Carapan ?; (b)
What is the morphology of the subordinate verb ?; (c) what is the morphology
the subordinate link ?; (d) what position or positions can the
subordinate link regarding the sentence you introduce?