• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danielabaquerobeltra
  • hace 7 años

Alguien que sepa ingles me ayudan porfa
Present Simple of Present Continuous
1. Question

I always … at the Albert Heijn on Mondays. (work)

2. Question

I … my homework right now. (do)

3. Question

July … to work at the moment. (drive)

4. Question

Look! I think she … sick. (feel)

5. Question

My grandmother always … to bingo on Wednesdays. (go)

6. Question

She … chocolate very much. (like)

7. Question

I … soccer practice on Tuesdays. (have)

8. Question

I really … your new hair. (like)

9. Question

John … on a project in his room. (work)

10. Question

My dad … always … his guitar for hours. (play)


Respuesta dada por: jhoelxavier


esta mal no le copies bwhdjsbskslbdudndksjbsbsbw

Respuesta dada por: yanezvanely05



Look! I think she … sick. (feel)

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