• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yamijor1
  • hace 7 años

Buenos puntos por sencilla actividad ingles
Ayuda porfa ta dificil



Respuesta dada por: ovejitafeliz15


2 Rewrite the senteces using can, can't, could, couldn't

B: My mom couldn't let me chew gum when i was kid

C: Lily can be really bad at singing

D: It could be possible to use the computers in my elementary school in the afternoon

E: My kid brother can have problems doing math

F: Last week i could stay home because i could be sick

G: Jim can be really good at English

3 Complete the e-mail with the correct form of the verbs

how are things? i have

(a) to tell you my news! you know i love

(b) sing well i have chance to sing with a rock group! i need

(c) perfome next week so they can listen to my voice. I don't want

(d) be profissional singer, but i like

(e) audition public so wish me luck! Are you planning

(f) visit us soon? i know you enjoy

(g) spend time here in LA.

4 write the infinitive or -ing form

B) we don't want to watch cartoons

C) I prefer to wear casual clothes

D) My dad enjoys to play cards

E) When I finish school, I hope to travel to Europe for a six months

F) My sister hates to do housework

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