Leer atentamente las siguientes oraciones y definir que tiempo gramatical
1) She goes to school by bus (_____)
2) I don`t go to school by car (_____)
3) I called the police (_____)
4) She was walking in the park (_____)
5) My mother was cooking a cake (_____)
6) Tom and Paul were playing tennis in the club (_____)
7) I watched a comic film (_____)
8) I loved him (_____)
9) They do the homework at 5pm (_____)
10) My teacher always forgets his coat (_____)
11) She doesn`t eat meat (_____)
12) They were walking when the accident happened (_____)
13) My dog sleeps in my bed (_____)
14) I sent a message. (_____)
15) I went to the party last week (_____)
1) She goes to school by bus ( Present simple )
2) I don`t go to school by car (Present simple )
3) I called the police (Past simple )
4) She was walking in the park (Past continuous)
5) My mother was cooking a cake (Past continuous )
6) Tom and Paul were playing tennis in the club (Past continuous )
7) I watched a comic film (Past Simple)
8) I loved him (Past Simple )
9) They do the homework at 5pm ( Present Simple)
10) My teacher always forgets his coat ( Present simple )
11) She doesn`t eat meat (Present simple)
12) They were walking when the accident happened ( Past continuous)
13) My dog sleeps in my bed ( Present Simple)
14) I sent a message. ( Present Simple)
15) I went to the party last week (Past simple )
- Present Simple (Affirmative)
- Present Simple (Negative)
- Past Simple (Afiirmative)
- Past Continuous (affirmative)
- Past Continuous (affirmative)
- Past Continuous (affirmative)
- Past Simple (Affirmative)
- Past Simple ( Affirmative)
- Present Simple ( Affirmative)
- Present Simple (Affirmative)
- Present Simple ( Negative)
- Past Continuous (Affirmative)
- Present Simple ( Affirmative)
- Past Simple (Affirmative)
- Past Simple (Affirmative)
- Present Simple / Presente Simple
Su estructura esta conformada por:
sujeto+ verbo + complemento
y lo puedes identificar fácilmente por las terceras personas del singulas (she, he e it) que cuando estan en forma afirmativa se les agrega s al final de las palabras.
Tambien por el auxiliar que utiliza que es Do and Does según el sujeto.
- Past Simple
Su estructura es :
sujeto+ VErbo in past + complement
este te sera mas facil de identificar si tienes conocimiento de los verbos irregulares de los cuales puedes encontrar listas en internet, o viendo los verbos regulares a los cuales se les agrega -ed al final de la palabra
tambien por su auxiliar para las formas negativas e interrogativas el cual es did
- Past Continous
su estructura es
sujeto+verb to be in past (was/were)+ verb/ing + complement
Este es facil de identificar directamente por su estructura.
y su auxiliar es was/were.
No son temas dificiles pero si un poco extensos asi que te recomendaria buscar tutoriales en youtube o si tienes algun otra duda con gusto te ayudo.