por favor me podrian ayudar con la pronunciación de la canción main in the marror de Michael Jackson
Buenas! : )
Espero que estes saludable.
El titulo correcto es: MAN IN THE MIRROR y se pronuncia (man in da miror)
te voy a escribir la pronunciación debajo del verso original encerrada en parentesis y en negresillas.
Cuando veas varias palabras separadas por un (-) debes leerlas de corrido.
I'm gonna make a change
(am gona meik-a cheinch)
for once in my life
(for uans in mai laif)
It's gonna feel real good
(its gona fil riil gud)
gonna make a difference
(gona meik-a difrens)
gonna make it right
(gona meikit rait)
As I, turn up the collar on
(as ay, tern da colar on)
my favoerite winter coat
(mai feivorit uinter cout)
this wind is blowing my mind
(dis uind is blouin mai maind)
I see the kids in the streets
(ay si da kids in da strits)
with not enough to eat
(wiz nor-inof tu it)
who am I to be blind
(ju em ay tu bi blaind)
pretending not to see their needs
(pritendin not to si der nids)
a summer disregard, a broken bottle top
(ei somer disrigard, ei brouken borel top)
and a one man soul
(and ei uan man sool)
they follow each other in the wind ya know
(dey falou ichoder in da uind ya nou)
cause they got nowhere to go
(cos dey gat nouer tu gou)
that's why I want you to know
(dats uai ay uan iu tu nou)
Im starting with the man in the mirror
(am starin wiz da man in da miror)
I'm asking him to change his ways
(am askin jim tu cheinch jis ueis)
and no message could have been any clearer
(an-nou mesech cu-rav bin eni clirer)
if you wanna make the world a better place
(if iu uana-meik-de-uerld a beta pleis)
take a look at your self and then make a change
(teik-a-luk-a-chu-self an den meik-a-cheinch)
I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love
(av bin a victim of-a selfich kain-a lov)
it's time that I realize
(its taim da-ra-i-rialais)
that there are some with no home, not a nickel to loan
(da-der-ar som wiz nou houm, no-ra nikl to loun)
could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone
(cu-rit bi rilli mi, pritendin dat der-no-ra-loun)
a willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart
(a uilou dipli scard, sombaris brouken jart)
and a washed out dream
(an-ei uach-taut drim)
a washed out dream
(a uach-taut drim)