• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carla9119
  • hace 7 años

classify the Woods which are underline INTO "nouns / adjetives / verbs

a. it was a ver exciting periódico ( nouns / adjetives / verbs)
b. he introduced potatoes to europe
( nouns / adjetives / verbs)
c. i volved the old parts of the down
( nouns / adjetives / verbs)
d. coronavirus is a dangerous virus which can kill a lot of people
( nouns / adjetives / verbs)
e. star AT HOME . this is the Wayne you can protector yourseld an other people

aayleniglesiass: copiaste y pegaste y no se cuales son las palabras subrayadas, respondeme esto con las palabras que iban subrayadas así lo puedo resolveer <3
carla9119: soy súper bruta y no me di cuenta jajaj !
las que están subrayadas son : exiting, introduced, parts, coronavirus , stay
aayleniglesiass: jaja tranqui


Respuesta dada por: aayleniglesiass


a. it was a ver exciting periódico (adjetives)

b. he introduced potatoes to europe (verbs)

c. i volved the old parts of the down

( nouns)

d. coronavirus is a dangerous virus which can kill a lot of people

( nouns)

e. stay AT HOME . this is the Wayne you can protector yourseld an other people (verbs)

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