Pretend that you are studying the behavior of humans as an alien observer that does not know about coronavirus. Describe the most notable changes that you would have observed from in your spaceship above. Try to get creative. Notice any positive changes as well.

vivicapi26: Sry i didnt know what category to put it under


Respuesta dada por: warriyo2003


ok dude but you question is about social sciences and this is a Spanish content page that has its English section , so why don't you try to translate it for the ease of those who will respond? :D

It is a question according to what you think, for example the most notable changes is that the contamination has decreased ,decrease in CO2 emissions of at least 25%, due to reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels such as oil, also Less activity on the streets and store closings

*I hope I've helped :)

vivicapi26: Wait i did put it under social sciences
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