• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: xlopez
  • hace 7 años

Reemplace las palabras subrayadas con los pronombres personales correctos:
a- My grandmother came from Spain last week. ______________________________________

b- The neighbor’s daughter is my best friend. ________________________________________
c- Gabriel, June and Michael are working with my mom. ______________________________
d- Taylor swift is my favorite singer. ______________________________________________
e- The beach is so beautiful now. _________________________________________________
f- My dog is small. ____________________________________________________________
g- That beautiful lady is my mother. _______________________________________________
h- My cellphone is having some weird features. ______________________________________
i- Do Andrew and Louis know each other? __________________________________________
j- I think my English teacher is good and healthy. ____________________________________


Respuesta dada por: AnnaAr


a. She came from Spain last week

b She is my best friend

c They are working with my mom

d She is my favorite singer

e It is so beautiful now

f It is small

g She is my mother

h It is having some weird features

I Do they know each other?

j I think him is good and healthy

Espero que te sirva


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