• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: melodyjunca2017
  • hace 7 años

1. Susan believes in ghosts and the world for the dead. She is so ___________. (SUPERSTITION)superstitious

2. Their ________ of the plan caused the experiment to be abandoned. (APPROVE)approval

3. He is so ___________ that he had an accident. (CARE)careless

4. Many women nowadays often seek financial _____________by going out to work. (DEPEND) independence

5. All the guests got dressed in ___________ costume. (NATION)national

6. Boys and girls may behave ___________ in this situation. (DIFFERENCE)differently

7. The 23rd mascot eagle is the ___________ of elegance, strength and pride. (SYMBOLIZE)symbol

8. Claulfied claimed they had _________ against him because of his nationality. (DISCRIMINATION)discriminated

9. There is no evidence of his direct __________ in the bombing. (INVOLVE)involvement

10. The exact origin of the universe remains a ____________. (MYSTERIOUS)mystery


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1) supertitious

2) approval

3) careless

4) independence

5) national

6) differently

7) symbol

8) discrikination

9) involvement

10) mystery

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