• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: tatianaaaatorres
  • hace 7 años

ordena de menor a mayor estás fracciones 1/4 -5/12 11/48 -15/36 -7/9​


Respuesta dada por: alixnikol30


Explicación paso a paso:

Fraction: - 11/48 already reduced to the lowest terms.

The numerator and the denominator have no common prime factors.

Their prime factorization:

11 is a prime number;

48 = 24 × 3;

Fraction: 116/6 = (22 × 29)/(2 × 3) = ((22 × 29) ÷ 2)/((2 × 3) ÷ 2) = 58/3;

Fraction: - 4/17 already reduced to the lowest terms.

The numerator and the denominator have no common prime factors.

Their prime factorization:

4 = 22;

17 is a prime number;

Reduce (simplify) fractions to their simplest form, online calculator

Rewrite the equivalent simplified operation:

- 11/48 + 116/6 - 4/17 =

- 11/48 + 58/3 - 4/17

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