• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: monik09061
  • hace 9 años

Por Fa Vor Ayudemen A Resolver Estas Oraciones Son Para Mis Pruebas Si No Las Paso No Hago No Me Graduo por Fa Vor Se los pidoo DIOS LOS BENDIGA!

a. Directions: Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. The light shines as ___________ as the sun.
2. The runner moves as ___________ as the wind.
3. The apple is as ___________ as a fire truck.
4. The giraffe is as ___________ as the tree.
5. That clock is as ___________ as my grandfather.
6. His voice was as ___________ as thunder.
7. The truck was as ___________ as a house.
8. Your book bag is ___________ as a rock.
b. Directions: Write two of you own sentences which show an equal comparison.
1) ________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________

Unequal Comparisons
• To show an unequal comparison, you need to use an adjective followed by the subordinating conjunction “than”. You may have to double the final consonant letter for some comparative adjectives.
• To show an unequal comparison using an adjective with one syllable, you must add “er” to the ending.
[adjective + “er”] than
Example: Yuri is smarter than Joe.
a. Directions: Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. Dennis is ___________ (old) than Kiki.
2. I am ___________ (tall) than the bookshelf. 3. My dog is ___________ (fast) than my cat.
4. The soup is ___________ (hot) than the milk.
5. The rock is ___________ (hard) than the banana.
Directions: Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. Yuki was at school __________ (early) than I was.
2. Rice is __________ (sticky) than salad.
3. This exercise is __________ (tricky) than the last one.
4. My little brother is __________ (silly) than I am.
5. This picture is __________ (pretty) than the other one.
Directions: Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison using an adjective with more than one syllable that ends in “y”.
1) ________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________
To show an unequal comparison using an adjective with more than one syllable that does not end in “y”, the ending of the adjective remains unchanged and you must use “more” or “less” before the adjective.
[more / less] [adjective] than
Example: The butterfly is more beautiful than the spider.
Directions: Fill in the spaces with the appropriate comparative adjective.
1. Her motorcycle is _______ ____________ (dangerous) than my car.
2. Gold is _______ ____________ (expensive) than silver.
3. Butterflies are _______ ____________ (beautiful) than snakes.
4. The grey jacket is _______ ____________ (colorful) than the pink one.
5. I am _______ ____________ (tired) now than I was this morning.

Directions: Write two of you own sentences which show an unequal comparison using an adjective with more than one syllable that does not end in “y”.
1) ________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________

1. These adjectives are exceptions to the rule. What are their superlative forms?
Good ___________________________________________________________
Bad ___________________________________________________________
Fun ___________________________________________________________
2. Write the superlative forms
Cheap - cheapest
Beautiful - most beautiful
Pretty -

3. Put the words in the correct order. Then write a superlative and comparative sentence using the adjective.
• Example: Town, city, village – big
City, town, village. A town is bigger than a village.
1. Goldfish, gorilla, human – intelligent …………………………………………………………………………………
2. Lane, motorway, road – wide ……………………………………………………………………..
3. Plane, car, bicycle – fast …………………………………………………………………………..
4. Baby, adult, teenager – old ……………………………………………………………………….
5. Gold ring, diamond ring, silver ring – expensive ……………………………………………….
6. Sea, ocean, lake – deep …...................................................................................................
7. Tortoise, snail, chicken – slow …………………………………………………………………....
8. Mansion, apartment, house – large ………………………………………………………………
9. Giraffe, horse, elephant – tall ……………………………………………………………………..
10. Nile River, Amazon River, Mekong River – long................................................................


luisa9797: Esperame! Está largo y estaba comiendo.
monik09061: no hagale tome el tiempo necesario pero por fa vor ayudemen
monik09061: algun dia dios se lo multiplicara algun dia
luisa9797: Si no dejas de decir esas cosas menos me voy a apura!!!
monik09061: No Hagale!!! Toma tu Tiempo
monik09061: Ad
monik09061: Lau Adonde Va .?
monik09061: fata
monik09061: falta
monik09061: Luisa me ayuda en la otra tarea por fa


Respuesta dada por: luisa9797
Primer parte
- Fast
-So heavy

Siguiente parte
-I would like to be as light as a butterfly
-My IQ is as high as Albert Einstein's IQ

Siguiente parte

siguiente parte
-more silly

siguiente parte
-She's Skinnier than me
-Now I'm happier than before

most fun

-Most reliable
- Slowest
-Most compact
-Most bitter
-Most advanced
-Most suitable

-A human is more intelligent than a gorilla.
-A lane is more wide than a motorway
-A car is faster than a bicycle
-An adult is older than a baby
-A diamond ring is more expensive than a gold ring
-An ocean is deeper than a lake
-An snail is slower than a chicken
-A mansion is larger than a house
-A giraffe is taller than a horse.
-Nilo river is larger than Mekong river.

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