• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valchailedemg3
  • hace 8 años

Prepare a list of 20 phrases related to daily routines


Respuesta dada por: tiziiaguilar62


1.I wake up at 7 o'clock.

2. I brush my teeth.

3. I take breakfast and drink coffee

4. lunch at midday.

5. I'm taking a shower.

6. I take the bus to go to school

7.   I clean the kitchen after eat

8. You drink water

9. You take the dog for a walk

10. He goes to swim every day

11. He goes for a walk

12. She cooks pizza on Sundays

13. They go to the skatepark in the afternoon

14. We have family reunions on Sundays

15.   I listen music when I’m doing exercise

16. I drink juice in the noon

17.  I watch TV series in the night

18. I drink eight glasses of water every day

19.  I to train every day

20. I have to take care of my siblings


espero te sirva!

tiziiaguilar62: si me seguis me re ayudas!
Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


1. wake up = despertarse

2. get up = levantase (de la cama)

3. take a shower= tomar una ducha

4. get dressed = vestirse

5. comb = peinarse

6. have coffee = beber café

7. go to school = ir a la escuela

8. cook breakfast = hacer el desayuno

9. have lunch = almorzar

10. take a break = tomar un descanso

11. watch tv = ver televisión

12. have  dinner = cenar

13. get home = llegar a casa

14. sleep = dormir

15.  go to bed = acostarse, ir a la cama

16. leave home = salir de casa

17. brush my teeth = cepillarse los dientes

18. go to work = ir al trabajo

19. get to work = llegar del trabajo

20. take the bus = tomar el bus

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