• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 7 años

1. Read the rest of the story and find out what happened next.
The backpackers spent the night in the jungle. There were lots of tropical insects
and there was a big thunderstorm with lots of rain. Fortunately Mr Maddocks
remembered advice from the show 'Ray Mears' Extreme Survival'. Ray said that
you can follow a river to find your way to the coast. The next day, the friends
followed the river but unfortunately at the end there was a big cliff above a high
waterfall. They climbed down the dangerous rocks, until they found the coast
and a beach. They could see boats in the sea so they decided to swim to them
to get help. But the sea was very rough and dangerous, and they almost
drowned. Another day later they had some luck. A fishing boat sailed past, and
the fisherman saw the friends and came to rescue them. They were dehydrated,
and had lots of cuts and bruises from climbing on the rocks.
After the rescue Mr Maddocks said: 'I'll never miss an episode of Ray Mears
from now,'
'You never know when you might need it.'
Dehydrated = when a person is ill because they don’t have enough water in their
Drown = to die because you are under water for too long and can’t breathe.
2. Choose the correct option in each sentence.
1) The backpackers slept a) in a hotel b) in the jungle.
2) The weather was a) very wet b) very dry.
3) Mr Maddocks a) watches ‘Ray Mears’ at home b) watched ‘Ray Mears in
the jungle’.
4) The backpackers followed the river and they found a) the coast b) a big
cliff and a waterfall.
5) The backpackers tried to swim a) to get help b) because they were bored.
6) The fisherman a) sailed past the friends b) came to rescue the friends.
7) Mr Maddocks a) wants to watch every Ray Mears programme in the
future b) is never going to watch Ray Mears again.
Grammar: Past simple


Respuesta dada por: pmcgranada


Las respuestas serian 1-b)  2-a)  3-a)   4-b)  5-a)   6-b)  7-a)


Anónimo: pero no te has leido el principio de la historia
Anónimo: bueno da igual
Anónimo: en el 1 que hay que hacer
Anónimo: ?
pmcgranada: El 1 es solo leer ''1. Read the rest of the story and find out what happened next.'' La traduccion seria : 1.Lee el resto de la historia y descubre que pasa despues.
Anónimo: a vale muchas gracias
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