• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jt286559
  • hace 8 años

-Make 10 Information questions and answers using can.


Respuesta dada por: valavazquezoxor3i


1.  Can i drink Coke? No, you can't.

2. Can you take me a picture? Yes, i can.

3. Can he drive a motocycle? Yes, he can.

4. Can they sing rap? Yes, they can.

5. Can i stay in your house for the weekend? Yes, you can.

6. Can you explain me the homework? Yes, I can.

7. Can she drink beer? No, she can't.

8. Can you give information about the class? Yes, I can.

9. Can we take a break and eat? No, we can't.

10. Can you make me a favor? Yes, I can.

You're welcome :)


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