• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tamidinter
  • hace 7 años

7) Complete the senteces. Use the present simple or
Present continuous form of the verb
A)Maria usually.........
(walk)to schod, but this
week she....(go)by bus.
B)we.....(have) English lessons four times a
week. We......(read) shakespeare at the moment
C)i.....know) her face, but I (not remember) her name.
D) Robert.......(study) in the library the afternoon
He......(want) to find some information for his
History project
E)they..... (not dance)tonight because they......... (not like)the music.
F)what.......this world.......mean?​


Respuesta dada por: erikaag2406

A. Walks/goes

B. Have/are reading

C. know/don't remember

D. Is studying/wants

E. aren't dancing/don't like

F. does(en el primer hueco)

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