AGE: 13/12
SCHOOL YEAR: year eight/ year seven
TIME WHEN THEY LEAVE HOME: eight oclock / half past six
TIME WHEN THEY FINISH SCHOOL: ten past three/ half past three
SUBJECTS THEY STUDY: English, Maths,French,Science,ICT,History and Geography, Arts, Music, Religion and PE./ English, French,German, Maths, History, Science, Geography, Citizenship, PE,Arts and Crafts and Manual Work.
LUNCH AT SCHOOL: Half past one/ one oclock
WHAT THEY USE FOR THEIR LESSONS: Books and a computer/ exercise books for their homework.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: Drama and Judo/ Choir, Dance, Theatre and English.
NUMBER OF STUDENTS PER CLASS: 20 students/ 40 students
NUMBER OF TEACHERS: 10 Teachers/ 4 Teachers
THE TEACHER THEY LIKE: The english teacher/ The Maths, Science and geography teacher.
WHY?: Because she isnt very strict/because he is nice and fun.