• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Lizgonzalezm846
  • hace 7 años

10 oraciones comparativas utilizando er-more ...than ​


Respuesta dada por: camiconC

Respuesta: A ver si te puedo ayudar


1. Your coffee is colder than mine, maybe you should heat it up a bit more.

2. Last week's test was more difficult than today's

3. My brother's house is more modern than and that of the whole family

4. I am older than him. I am 50 and 45, I am the older sister

5. my blender is newer than Carla's

6. Yesterday Maria looked happier than ever.

7. he is smarter than the whole class

8. This shirt seems more attractive to me than the previous one

9. Your car is more expensive than my house.

10. This issue is more important than a party.

Respuesta dada por: stitchgordon30


1. Your coffee is colder than mine, maybe you should heat it up a bit more.

2. Last week's test was more difficult than today's

3. My brother's house is more modern than and that of the whole family


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