• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: koresprimosporsiempr
  • hace 7 años

Dialogo en inglés utilizando there are y there is (mínimo 10 líneas).


Respuesta dada por: samuelfuentesrivero8

Respuesta: Dialogo VIP

Con there is:

Peter. Hi Rouse how are you ?

Rouse. Fine, and you ?

Peter. Excelent, I would love for you to go to the park with me, Do you think you can go?

Rouse, Yeah of couse i have no problem, that is a good idea

(While they were in the park)

Peter: there is one thing that I have wanted to tell you for a long time

Rouse: and what is that you had to tell me?

Peter: It is very difficult for me to express it, but I have to be brave and face my fears, would you like to be my girlfriend?

Rouse. Of course

Peter. Really ?, I can't believe it  

Rouse. Sorry they're calling me

After answering the call

Rouse. Sorry, really excuse me but I have to go, see you later

Peter. Ok see you later

Esto lo puedes aplicar en esta cuarentena aprovecha las oportunidades como lo hizo el chico del dialogo y Si eres chica haz lo mismo no tienes que perder. Espero haberte ayudado

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