• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andystevebarrera
  • hace 7 años



Respuesta dada por: brian7v7

1. Did you do the  language' s homework ?

  Hiciste la tarea de Idiomas?

- Yes, I did,  it is so easy

 Sí, si la hice, está muy fácil. 

2. Did you watch TV last night? 

  Viste la Tv anoche?

- No, I didn't because I was really busy

 No, no lo hice, porque estaba realmente ocupado

3. Did you go to the cinema? 

 Fuiste al cine?

-No, I didn't, because  I was doing the math´s homework

 No, No lo hice,  estaba haciendo la tarea de matemáticas.


4. Did you watch Fantastic Beast, and where to find them movie in the cinema?

    Viste la pelicula Animales fantasticos y donde encontrarlos en el Cine?

 -Yes, I did, I loved that movie.

Si, si lo hice, amé esa película.

5. Did she give his a present?

 Le dio ella a él un regalo?

 -Yes, she did it, they are couple, was their 3 aniversary 

 Si, Si lo hizo, ellos son pareja, fue su aniversario 3

6. Did you spend a lot of money on candys?

 Gastas tu mucho dinero en golocinas? 

 - No, I didn't, I prefer to spend money on pizza

 No, no lo hago, prefiero gastar dinero en pizza.

7. Did you ever buy second-hand shoes?

 Alguna vez has comprado zapatos de segunda mano?

- Yes, I did, sometimes, the're really beautiful and cheap

 Si, lo he hecho, algunas veces, son muy hermosos y baratos 

8. Did you do something in your hair?, it looks horrible

  Le has hecho algo a tu cabello?, luce horrible

- Yes, I did it, I have a new bad hair cut

Si, lo he hecho, tengo un Nuevo mal corte de cabello.

 9. I can't find my cellphone

   No puedo encontrar mi celular 

 - Did you looked in your school bag?

 Has revisado en tu mochila?

 - Yes, but Is not there, i looked in my room too. is not there 

 Si, pero no esta ahí, Revisé my habitación tambien. no esta allí

10. Did she eat her vegeables?

 comió ella sus vegetales?

 - Yes, she did it, she loved the ratatouille

si, si lo hizo, a ella le encanta el ratatouille.

Respuesta dada por: arianaveloz


Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I did. ...

Did she live in Japan last year? Yes, she did. ...

Did they learn how to swim two years ago? Yes, they did.


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