• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: majitoribeiro
  • hace 7 años

IV-Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverbs in the correct position.
1-They have lunch at school (always)
2-She plays computer games (once a day)
3-He goes swimming after school (sometimes)
4-I´m late for school (never)
5-Daniel listens to music in bed (often)

ayuda no entiendo nada y es para mañana;((​


Respuesta dada por: mlabarra


1-They always have lunch at school

2-She plays computer games once a day/Once a day she plays computer games

3-He goes swimming after school sometimes/sometimes he goes swimming after school

4-I'm never late for school

5-Daniel listens to music often in bed


En la 5 no estoy del todo segura

Respuesta dada por: serveraguillermina

1-They always have lunch at school

2-She plays computer games once a day/Once a day she plays computer games

3-He goes swimming after school sometimes/sometimes he goes swimming after school

4-I'm never late for school

5-Daniel listens to music often in bed

Ver más en Brainly.lat - https://brainly.lat/tarea/14731094#readmore


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